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How mutuals and credit unions can transform with cloud-native core banking

This e-book uncovers how mutuals can tackle transformation

Faced by an unpredictable market, increased competition, and changing customer expectations, credit unions and mutual banks must adapt to attract and retain members.

Digital transformation holds the key. But even the biggest banks with the biggest budgets have been wrestling with it for years.

How can mutual banks overcome transformation?

We interviewed Senior Executives at member-led financial institutions to find out what’s needed for mutuals to compete in an increasingly volatile world. They told us why transforming a member-led financial institution is a challenge, the role of mutuals in the future, and much more.

The in-depth interviews formed this e-book, which covers:

  • The role of mutuals today
  • What transformation means to members
  • The need to modernize core banking systems
  • Plotting a path to transformation safely, securely, and within budget.

Download the e-book today

Group 297

Mutuals reflect the local community’s voice better than just about any other business. Big banks cannot imitate this, and it provides a footing for mutuals to leverage. If mutuals can tap into the values of the younger generations, marketing their ‘people before profit’ stance and purpose-led approach, there’s a real opportunity to stand out and thrive.

Senior Executive Mutula bank